WBSC President Fraccari completes inspirational visit to Bhutan
19/09/2024 3 Minute Read

WBSC President Fraccari completes inspirational visit to Bhutan

WBSC President Riccardo Fraccari met the Honourable Prime Minister Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay (pictured) and IOC member HRH Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck during his four-day visit.

World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) President Riccardo Fraccari concluded an exhilarating four-day visit to Bhutan last week, where he recognised the impressive progress made by the Bhutan Baseball Softball Association (BBSA) in developing the sport.

Since its membership of the WBSC was ratified in 2022, the BBSA has taken great strides promoting Baseball/Softball across the Kingdom in the Himalayas, known for its picturesque landscapes, steep mountains and cultural heritage.

With snow-capped peaks framing its landscape, Bhutan has long been known for its commitment to preserving its cultural heritage, even as it opens its arms to the world. It was against this enchanting backdrop that President Riccardo Fraccari embarked on his official visit from 12-15 September, marking a pivotal moment in the development of Baseball/Softball in the region.

WBSC President visits Bhutan

The visit to Bhutan provided an excellent opportunity for President Fraccari to witness first hand how Baseball/Softball is improving lives and communities around the world, while also being able to congratulate in person BBSA President Karma Dorji for winning the $10,000 equipment grant in celebration of World Baseball Softball Day. The BBSA was selected as the National Federation with the best social media activation celebrating the inaugural World Baseball Softball Day on 10 May, receiving the equipment grant to further support the BBSA’s work.

"This equipment grant promises to enhance the growth and flourishment of Baseball, Softball and Baseball5 across Bhutan, and underlines our sport’s ability to unite and inspire people even in the most remote regions of the world," President Fraccari said..

Reflecting on an inspiring visit to Bhutan, President Fraccari commended the BBSA for the excellent work they are achieving at the grassroots level, which provides a promising future ahead for Baseball/Softball in the country, and expressed the WBSC’s ongoing support for its work.

“The friendship, passion and professionalism of the BBSA team have shown me that our sport has much to offer the world, especially to younger generations," President Fraccari said. "I am immensely proud that the WBSC counts BBSA among its members, and I will cherish the memories of this trip.”

In addition to impressive grassroots development activities, the BBSA maintains a dynamic presence online, with their website offering updates in both English and Dzongkha, showcasing their dedication to fostering a love for baseball softball within their community.

WBSC President visits Bhutan

President Fraccari had the honour of meeting with the Honourable Prime Minister Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay, and Bhutan Olympic Committee President and International Olympic Committee member HRH Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck who both offered their support for the development of Baseball/Softball across the country and the region.

Prime Minister Tobgay, who is a keen fan of baseball, recognised the power of sport to help keep communities active and healthy while HRH Prince Wangchuck, who was recently elected as a Vice President of the Olympic Council of Asia, confirmed his support for the betterment of Baseball/Softball in Bhutan and across Asia.

"The meetings with Prime Minister Tobgay and HRH Prince Wangchuck were both filled with warmth and mutual respect," President Fraccari said. "I am grateful for their generous hospitality and unwavering support for the growth of Baseball/Softball in Bhutan."

Promoting Sport in Schools and Beyond

One of the highlights of President Fraccari’s trip was his meeting with officials from Bhutan's Ministry of Education. He engaged in fruitful discussions with Tashi Namgyel, the Director for the Department of Education Programme, alongside Chief Program Officer Sherab Phuntshok and Chief Sports Coordinator Nima Gyeltshen. Their conversations revolved around incorporating sports into the national educational curriculum, with a particular emphasis on encouraging youth participation in physical activities.

"I'm a strong advocate of Baseball5, the WBSC's urban sport which requires minimal equipment and believe it can be an ideal sport for Bhutanese schools, offering students an opportunity to learn teamwork, strategic thinking and participate in an exciting, fast-paced game that can inspire a new generation of athletes," President Fraccari said.

WBSC President visits Bhutan

A Visit to Dechencholing Higher Secondary School

President Fraccari also visited the Dechencholing Higher Secondary School in Thimphu, where he interacted with young athletes and coaches. He had the chance to witness first hand the enthusiasm and dedication of Bhutanese students as they trained in Baseball, Softball and Baseball5.

"The sight of these young players, eagerly honing their skills, served as a powerful reminder of the potential of sport to unite and inspire, even in the most remote corners of the world," President Fraccari said.

He concluded his visit by attending the Thimphu Tshechu, one of Bhutan's grandest and most vibrant festivals, which President Fraccari said, witnessing this sacred event "was a window into the soul of Bhutan – a country where spirituality and tradition intertwine with everyday life".

"The sight of Bhutanese citizens in their finest Gho’s and Kira’s, gathering to honour their ancestors and faith, was both moving and unforgettable," he added. "Through this journey, we have not only solidified the bonds of friendship between the WBSC and Bhutan but has also opened new pathways for the growth of baseball softball in this mystical land.

"As Bhutan embraces sport as part of its cultural fabric, the future of Baseball/Softball in this Himalayan kingdom looks brighter than ever," President Fraccari said.

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